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Friday, October 28, 2005
omg, its like the end of school already. haha y'know what i dont want this year to ever end. its been a reallyreally good year with loads of nice people in 2co. haha WE WON TALENTIME! lady marmalade. reshma started crying when the results came out. haha oh and 3RD PRIZE FOR STOMP! lol stomp was seriously crazy i was laughing on stage and so was everyone else. so we couldnt sing the songs properly but i guess that's what made everything so funny. haha. and later we got to perform again for prize giving in the primary school hall. but that performance was seriously screwed cus the mikes were screwed and the stupid audience was laughing at us i think. haha. anyway.i'll miss 2co loads! i love you guys. and i love joella, isabelle, charlyn, charmaine, lisabelle and joey! and yy. <3 thanks for making this year such a great one, i'll miss you guys so much. ): I LOVE 2 CO. <3 (: Wednesday, October 26, 2005
haha today was rather interesting. we had the history heritage tour! hahha. (: the battle box in fort canning hilll was rather funny cus a few of the people were scared lol. haha i overheard this loretta saying let's move to the middle of the class then melissa was like no the back better can escape faster. lol. so super funny. (: yepp. we went kranji cemetery too. quite sad cus these people died at such a young age, at 20sth. they died for all living men. heh that was written on the thing.anyway after school we had full dress rehearsal for the dance. i think the shirt looks really stupid on me. ): and i dont have court shoes. ): so im borrowing a pair from isabelle. :D yeah then after that only 4 of us stayed back for stomp. and then we wasted 1.5 hours deciding whether to change or not. /: like how stupid right. oh and i left my stupid knives in class. one was the mcdonalds knife but the other one was a real metal one for butter and stuff. i think i left it on the floor but im not sure. i am going to be so dead if the auntie sweeps it away. /: and btw i think its totally senseless. roti prata doesnt need knives. lol. hahha. amazing race's gonna start soon! yayye. actually i like the boy in the rogers family but they went out already. im not sure whether i like the weaver family or not. i think i like the bransen family. is that the girly team? haha. (: and there's survivor on friday(: i dont like margaret at all i think she's stupid. Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I AM SO SO CONFUSED FOR THE DANCE. ): i'm borrowing a skirt from joella and a shirt from nic i think. haha. and this stupid charlene, her mum says court shoes are heels.HUH HUH HUH WHAT????? Monday, October 24, 2005
![]() Friday, October 21, 2005
the class party was a success(: had so much fun today. the games were funny and the teachers gave speeches. then dong invited those people leaving for those jcs to give speeches and charmaine started crying first then lisabelle and everyone started crying then. ): i didnt even cry at first k.. but i saw aileen and reshma crying to my left, and the two joellas, isabelle and nicole crying to my right so i cried too. just a bit. hahah. it was seriously sad. everyone's gonna go different classes next year and you wont see the same old faces anymore. and those people leaving for the ip programme will just slowly get distanced and soon wont even keep in touch anymore. then everything will be just a fading memory. and we'll no longer attend classes together. haha i'll miss most of the teachers.. (:anyway today tina neoh was being stupid. she made us pay 20 bucks for the newspaper thing but we dont even want it since we already have it at home. and she insulted my favorite books! she said princess diaries are meant for primary 3 students to read, and our standard of english is very low. freak her lah.. and she said we should read orwell's books. she is so idiotic and pompous okay. i cant stand her and i hope i dont get her for lit teacher next year or nxt nxt year. i hate her so much. and she insulted meg cabot. i hope meg cabot sues tina neoh. [: I can't imagine a life without your love and even forever don't seem like long enough Wednesday, October 19, 2005
went to watch the myth with munch after sch today. urrrm i really dont get the story, but its quite funny lah. haha. maybe my chinese is just really lousy. haha but there was cantonese. had prawn noodles for lunch and it had so much chilli inside my eyes were watering already lah.. /: and saw munling with her mum. munching says she looks like her mum's sister. /: haha then miss chua saw us at borders. she was with that ms see or something.. anyway school was really stupid today. we practised for the talentime thing and im so sorry! i keep making everyone do the same thing over and over again cos i couldnt get the timing or whatever. talentime is making me depressed. oh and mrs yogi came in today to speak to a few of us cus we didnt put triple science as our first choice. i dunno if i should change, but i dont really understand science. i seriously dunno lah.. i think the teachers should have like a one-on-one talk with us, give us advice and stuff. and recommend subjects what we should take.yesterday was fun though. played board games. then nicole isabelle joella and i played this stupid snatching game haha. and we were sorta slamming tables. heh(: i think school should end right now! anyway there's like nothing to do! we just go school to stone lah. i'd rather stay at home and sleep. i hate next week. its all the enrichment activities. we have to attend courses and go field trips. freak lah. i feel so depressed right now. Saturday, October 15, 2005
I AM SO STUPID. god why am i so stupid? i got so low. y'know its my lowest results ever yet. i really really expected to get much higher than this. and i honestly never thought my maths would be so low this time round, i didnt even get a 80. plus this just makes everything worse since its supposed to be my best subject. my maths dropped alot alot, like nearly 20 marks. my science sucks too, i passed by what, 7.5 marks? and i dunno, i feel really stupid cus i thought i did quite okay in my papers, and i didnt really expect to get 50somethings. y'know what this just proves that everytime you think you did okay or good, you get really low and everytime you think you scored very badly you actually scored really well. i got a middle B3 for my avg. i think i suck. but at least now i know what i'll take now for the streaming thing. i cant take triple since my science is so lousy, and i dont think i can cope with so many subjects anyway. so im gonna take chem and bio. and geog. okay see i've got it all figured out. at least that's one thing to be happy about.. [:
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I GOT SO LOW I GOT SO LOW. ): ): ): anyway. now im like confirmed not taking history. cus history SUCKS.yeahyeahyeah anyway today i was bored stiff and sleepy like shit. i think the school should have like shifted the history to replace the free period we all had. then we could have gone home at 1.40. and the sch actually made us do some stupid survey but i dont think they're really gonna care about what we say anyway. cus if they did they would have done something about the stupid new uniform thing. its like so super ugly and i cant stand it at all. haha okay. urrrrrm. ohohoh. and i read finish harry potter and the half blood prince yesterday! gosh it was so sad okay.. haha i cried. cant believe tonks likes lupin. hahahha. and whos that r.a.b person.. i think maybe he'll help harry to destroy the horcruxes or something and he'll be harry's ally. hahhaha. kk.. im off to play..... neopets! lol. (: Monday, October 10, 2005
urrm woke up at 9.10 today. new record aye. i always sleep till like 12. haha anyway.. aileen, nic, isabelle, joella, reshma and i went to watch corpse bride today. its quite nice and funny, and abit scary. haha. heh actually joella and i wanted to watch skeleton key but lido didnt have sneaks so. we watched corpse bride. haha i like the part where the corpse bride turned into butterflies.. sweet. oh and we saw alot of sc people there. like steph, emelyn and mich. hahaha oh and i bought harrypotter and the halfblood prince today.. lol. my brother told me im wasting money. haha and i told him to shut his piehole. lol. eh i learnt that from meet the parents. its so funny. haha especially the part where he scolded the airstewardess. oh and when the security guard detained him then he was like bombbombbombbombbombbomb..... lol. haha okay im gonna read my book now so seeya. (:
Friday, October 07, 2005
haha i changed my blogskin. aent this one cool?(: haha too bad you cant see some links. i dont know too. anyway today was the final paper(: and i thought it was quite okay but stupid huiting thought it was so diffucult. later she'll get 80sth. haha. i think science is the most difficult one! ): i minused 7 off just for MCQ.. heh yesterday was ramesh's birthdayHAPPY BIRTHDAY RAMESH. haha(: hmmm had lunch at bugis today. am feeling bored stiff now. oh cant wait for survivor tonight. (: i like stephanie. haha gonna play neopets now since nothing to do. i bet my pet's dying.. i havent played for. very long. hahaha. right bye! (: Thursday, October 06, 2005
eh got booked today for my socks.booked last week for my belt. i have 6 more points to go so... that's good! (: all the stupid qian bian prefects.. hahaha. Wednesday, October 05, 2005
3 more papers to go(:cant cant cant wait!(: Saturday, October 01, 2005
i am feeling like how irritated and pissed today. not at anyone but myself.cus I CANNOT CONCENTRATE! i only studied like 2 chapters of science today, and im not making any progress at all. and i had the whole morning and afternoon to study. and its not like those long and wordy chapters, its those two sex chapters which are like so common sense. and i actually fixed the alarm at 8 today so i can study, and i just switched it off when it rang and continued to sleep till 11! like how many hours wasted lah! !#$%#$%^!@ i am going to sleep very very very late today, and wake up super early tomorrow. |